
welcome to Margot Chock's online portfolio

The mind once stretched by a new idea, never returns to its original dimensions.

-Ralph waldo emerson

Behind the artist.

Margot Chock is a multi-media artist, travel photographer , and endlessly curious about the world around her. Originally from Honolulu, Hawai’i, Margot discovered a passion for experimenting with materials around her - the more unpredictable, the better. She’s constantly inspired by nature, her travels around the world, and the people met along the way. If her work can make someone pause and smile, then it’s a success.

Margot graduated from the University of Denver with a B.S. in Business Management, majoring in Hotel, Restaurant, and Tourism Management and double minored in Art and Business Ethics/Legal Studies. She currently lives in London, fulfilling her childhood dreams to live abroad and do whatever she can to continually step beyond her comfort zone.